I am a PhD student at MIT CSAIL (lukea _at_ mit), where I am a member of the computer graphics group. My advisor is Frédo Durand.
My research interests include the design and implementation of domain specific languages for problems in computer graphics, and the application of machine learning to these languages and their compilers. I have contributed to 3 domain specific languages: Aether for Monte Carlo rendering, Halide for image processing, and Taichi for physical simulation. I'm interested in domain specific languages for their ability to make programming in a broad sense easier and this has been the primary goal of my work: Aether makes it easier to write complex rendering algorithms correctly, the Halide autoschedulers make it easier to find high performance implementations of image processing pipelines, and Taichi makes easier to write high performance code for spatially sparse computations, notably physical simulation.
ICLR 2020
SIGGRAPH Asia 2019